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Gum Ball Making Line

Beach Balls

DE's Gum ball making line introduces numerous possibilities to the confectionery world.

Secure your business with minimum investment and get maximum of product options.

Range of products

Our Gum Ball forming line is capable of producing wide range of products while defining new ways of consumer interaction with eye catching designs.


Bubble-Gum Balls



Beach Balls

Rock Hard Candy Balls

Eclair shapes_edited.jpg

Eclairs Toffee 


Tamarind Balls


Fruit Paste 

Shapes & Designs

Turn your imaginations into reality with our Gum Ball forming line, as it offers maximum flexibility when it comes to new innovations in product and design.

Switch Designs in 5 Minutes time
Forming rollers can be easily changed to change designs, which helps in saving valuable production time.

lemon shapes.185.jpg

Strawberry shape

Pin balls

tennis balls_edited.jpg

Tennis Balls

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Bottle shape

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Lemon shape


Beer barrels

Smart Production Lines

DE Smart Gum ball production lines requires minimum labor to operate complete lines without any hassles

Which saves a-lot of labor wages and increase profit margin in production.

Machines are optimized to synchronize easily and deliver high speed production operations with minimum human intervene










Our Gum ball  production lines are One time investment 

Which offers you with a lot of flexible business opportunities 

DE Smart production lines requires minimum labor to operate complete lines without any hassles

Which saves a-lot of labor wages and increase profit margin in production.

Machines are optimized to synchronize easily and deliver high speed production operations with minimum human intervene

Our chewing gum ball manufacturing machines are space saving, user friendly moreover easy to maintain, in order to give you trouble free years of production. 

Gum ball production lines can be easily customized to increase production capacity with minimum investment at any later stage which secures our customers investment and future

Dhiman engineers chewing gum ball making machines are among one of the most reliable and economical production lines when it comes to after sale spares availability or keeping up with maintenance of the machines.


we work with an aim to Offer high performance international standard machines at fair prices with a motive to achieve milestone in installations

Safety and Health Assured

Chewing gum ball manufacturing machines features all safety features In order to maintain high level
of hygiene and product quality. All product contact parts are completely made of stainless steel
and other food grade materials which are easy to clean and rust free.


Our All Chewing gum ball making machines are designed and manufactured according to CE standards and  FDA regulations to follow high standard guidelines and to maintain high product quality and hygiene

All the electronic/electrical equipment are high rated certified and tested for safety and performance, follows high international standard CE guidelines to ensure maximum production output without any breakdown 

On Site Assistance

we have served over 50 countries worldwide with our confectionery equipment services, we have engineers who are expertise when it comes to whether on site or online assistance to our customers with turnkey solutions.

Dhiman Engineers not only provide on site Successful trial Installations but also provide Skilled Machine operators for hire and training which offers new business starters a lot of confidence and boost.

Dhiman engineers are always keen to overcome any objective to serve your need



1½ cups


2 tsp.


Conveying Belt

Forming machine

3 cups


Cooling tunnel


معلومات تقنية

Sugar Grinder DPSG-200

مبجل (مطحنة سكر)


الأبعاد (LXWXH)

سرعة الدوار (RAM)

شبكة. وزن

100 كجم إلى 300 كجم حسب المنتج

700 × 1000 × 1700


300 كجم

تستخدم للطحن

مزيج سيجما

Sigma Mixture222_edited.jpg



أبعاد الأسطوانة (LXWXH)

ضغط عمل البخار




الأبعاد (LXWXH)


تصنيع العلكة / العلكة / قاعدة العلكة والخلط النهائي للجوهر واللون

200 لتر

760 × 760 × 760

60 رطل / قدم مربع بوصة



2000 مم × 1225 مم × 1325 مم

صافي 1000 كجم.

يستخدم خلاط العلكة الفقاعية بالبخار الثقيل لتصنيع قاعدة العلكة ، وعلكة الفقاعات ، ومواد العلكة. إذا كنت لا ترغب في استخدام البخار ، يستغرق تصنيع قاعدة العلكة حوالي 6-7 ساعات. بعد تصنيع قاعدة الصمغ ، يتم المزج النهائي للون والجوهر في الخلاط الذي يستغرق حوالي نصف ساعة. يمكن تفريغ المواد عن طريق إمالة الخلاط الذي يعمل بمحرك.


التوأم حبل الطارد



قطر الحبل


الأبعاد (LXWXH)


تشكيل حبل من العلكة أو مادة مضغ العلكة

1 طن / شيف

حسب الطلب (مسطح او دائري)

1524 مم × 914 مم

1225 مم × 1200 مم × 525 مم

صافي 500 كجم

تستخدم آلة بثق الحبل ذات اللون المزدوج من Bubble Gum لتصنيع حبل أحادي اللون أو مزدوج اللون بالحجم المطلوب أو مسطح وفقًا لمتطلبات Bubble Gum أو مادة Chew-Gum. يتم تغذية المواد يدويًا في القادوس ويتم تجميع الحبل المتكون في صواني أو يتم تفريغه في ناقل تبريد

image00054new edited sol...jpg

آلة تشكيل gumball






الأبعاد (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)



لتشكيل كرة العلكة من حبل اللثة

80-100 كجم. لكل ساعة (حسب حجم كرة اللثة)

2 حصان موتور تيار متردد

١٣٥٠ × ٥٠٠ × ١٣٢٠ ملم

الوزن الصافي 800 كجم. الإجمالي 1000

تستخدم آلة بثق الحبل ذات اللون المزدوج من Bubble Gum لتصنيع حبل أحادي اللون أو مزدوج اللون بالحجم المطلوب أو مسطح وفقًا لمتطلبات Bubble Gum أو مادة Chew-Gum. يتم تغذية المواد يدويًا في القادوس ويتم تجميع الحبل المتكون في صواني أو يتم تفريغه في ناقل تبريد

Vibrator Cooling tunnel

نفق تبريد بالاهتزاز





الأبعاد (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)


لتبريد كرات العلكة بعد تشكيلها

2 طن / وردية

2 حصان موتور تيار متردد

٢٤٤٠ × ٨٠٠ × ٧٥٠ ملم

صافي 600 كجم. الإجمالي 800

نفق التبريد الهزاز يستخدم لتبريد كرات العلكة بعد تشكيلها. صواني اهتزاز من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ مثبتة في نفق التبريد. تم تركيب مراوح الهواء في الجانب الأمامي والخلفي من النفق للحصول على نتائج أفضل. هذه الآلة مناسبة لاثنين من آلات التشكيل.


تدوير وعاء الطلاء

مع منفاخ الهواء الساخن




عموم دورة في الدقيقة

سعة السخان


مضخة نفخ

زاوية تصاعد عموم

الوزن الصافي

أقراص صيدلانية مغلفة بالسكر

30 "/ 36" / 42 "/ 48" / 60 "PAN DIA

22 دورة في الدقيقة

1.5 كيلو واط

(حسب حجم المقلاة) III PH / 440V / AC

0.25 حصان / III PH / 440V / AC

زاوية قياسية 600 (حسب المتطلبات)

(وفقا لحجم عموم)

يدور حوض الطلاء بواسطة علبة تروس حمام الزيت الآلية مع منفاخ هواء ساخن (قابل للتعديل). المقلاة مصنوعة من منفاخ من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 عالي الجودة (قابل للتعديل). المقلاة مصنوعة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 304 (يمكن توفيرها بجودة SS 316 بتكلفة إضافية).


It's a difficult and time-consuming task to meet the world's gumball candy demand. Because of changes in their food personal preferences, clients' needs are continually evolving. Gumball producers must stay on top of their game by adding efficient gumball manufacturing equipment in the world of confectionery, where new candy is released nearly everyday.

In the last several decades, India has experienced the most recent advancements in the gumball making machine. Diverse toffees, sweets, and other confectionery goods have become popular among the locals. Prominent gumball manufacturers  need top-of-the-line gumball making equipment to ramp up production. Most reputable confectionery machine manufacturers can provide you with the greatest sweet making machines that will allow you to manufacture world-class candies and help you stay in business.

Dhiman Engineers, nation's largest and revolutionary gumball machine provider, is here to provide you with high-quality gumball-making machinery. We provide a variety of high-precision technological processes to help you produce consumer-demanded confectionery. Our design staff works around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to create the necessary gumball-making machinery.

Believe it or not, the greatest gum manufacturing equipment can have an impact on production capacity. Consider making a larger batch of gumballs than intended, hence reducing the scarcity of special gumballs on the marketplace. Producing high-quality candy is a long procedure. The production process would be even further complicated if the right machinery was not used. Producing excellent gumballs will be really challenging for you. The use of the best gumballs manufacturing equipment ensures that the gumballs production process is reduced to very few key steps. It also guarantees that effort and time are spent on the most up-to-date technologies but rather on obsolete ones.

The demand for delectable and eye-catching gumball-making machinery is surging at breakneck speed. Customers would always prefer candies that are one-of-a-kind. It is critical for top candy producers in India to use innovative technology to produce these types of confectionary items. Workers will be able to create these in-demand gumballs in a shorter amount of time if the best machines are used by the manufacturers. The important thing to remember here is that you must adopt innovative technology before your competitors do, as you risk losing market share if they please your clients on time.

Obtaining a competitive advantage necessitates extensive research, manufacturing processes, and a thorough understanding of consumer requirements. To thrive and become a market leader, you must stay current with the latest technologies that sectors are gradually adopting. Gumball-making machinery is a hot topic right now, and the competition is heating up. Also every confectionary company is attempting to introduce everything gumball in order to meet market expectations. However, this is only achievable if the greatest gumball-making machinery is used. The significance of these equipment in the gumball-making procedure must be understood.

Gumball manufacturing equipment makes a significant contribution to the confectionery production process. The employment of technology is the only distinction between the worst and best confectionary items. Make certain you're going with the ideal option. Make world-class chocolates by choosing Dhiman Engineers as your confectionery machine manufacturer. Link with us so that you can easily attain deep information about this machinery. The more you read about the more you enhance your chances of starting up your business. 

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